Global Power Systems Inc. 2011 Cummins QSK19 Industrial Engine

Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Status: New
Brand: Cummins
Model: QSK19
Stock No.: GPSCummins
HP: 800
Fuel Type: Diesel
Serial No.: 25041782
Year: 2011
Get Price: 780-450-6363
Description: Unused 2011 Cummins QSK19 800HP Engine
The QSK19 is an in-line 6 cylinder engine
with a 19 litre displacement. This Quantum
series utilizes sophisticated electronics and
premium engineering to provide
outstanding performance levels, reliability
and versatility for Standby, Prime and
Continuous Power applications.
High pressure fuel pump, Modular
Common Rail fuel System (MCRS) and
state of the art integrated electronic control
system provide superior performance,
efficiency and diagnostics. The electronic
fuel pumps deliver up to 1600 bar injection
pressure and eliminate mechanical linkage
adjustments. The new MCRS utilizes an
electric priming pump which is integrated
with the off-engine stage-1 fuel filter head
and is controlled and powered by the engine
ECM. The stage-2 fuel filters are mounted
CTT (Cummins Turbo Technologies)
HX83 turbo-charging utilizes exhaust
energy with greater efficiency for improved
emissions and fuel consumption.
Charge Air Cooling – QSK19 engine
requires the use of an Air-to-Air heat
exchanger or Charge-Air-Cooler (CAC) to
reduce intake manifold temperature and to
meet the lower emissions requirements.
Ferrous Cast Ductile Iron (FCD) Pistons -
High strength design delivers superior
G-Drive Integrated Design - Each
component has been specifically developed
and rigorously tested for G-Drive products,
ensuring high performance, durability and
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